Monday, 14 March 2016

Do You Really Need a Rash?

What if, tomorrow, a new fashion trend was wearing itchy burlap clothing?  Would you rush out to buy the latest pair of uncomfortable pants or ugly shirts, guaranteed to make you break out in a rash, just because fashion dictated it or some celebrity was wearing it?  Should you be expected to pay good money for something that fits poorly, looks ugly and make you uncomfortable?

In a multimedia world of constantly changing applications and massive data crunching there seems to be a "new" way of getting your message across on almost a daily basis.  Yesterday's application is "dead" and tomorrow's platform is waiting for you to use before it gets old in a week!  Social Media Gurus will gladly spout endless emails and blogs describing the strengths and weaknesses of the latest interface with your clientele, faster than you can say "download this app".

One of the biggest questions that often goes unasked by Social Media Marketing consultants is "what is your business comfortable with?".  The need to reach the best target market cannot be secondary to a company's ability to manage the vehicle that will deliver the message.  If a business is saddled with an application that is too unwieldy or complicated to use, it is as useless and can be as poor a fit as a burlap sweater!

Here are just a few points to consider when choosing the platforms your business can best use when deciding how to reach your customers and potential customers.

     1)  Are we using this platform because that's where our clients are, or are we using it because it's the    latest craze and our huge competitor XYZ Inc. is using it?

     2)  Do the people in our organization have sufficient knowledge of the application's use to avoid costly mistakes and wasted time?  Will they have to devote hours to learning a process that will be obsolete in a few months?

     3)  If we are outsourcing the digital management of our marketing and/or advertising effort, is the company that is handling the account selling us the latest fashion (burlap sweater) or is it utilizing the best tools to effectively and cost efficiently get our message out to the right segment of the population?

     4) Are we buying an uncomfortable rash in order to look good?

Roam Business always strives to find digital marketing solutions that our clients are comfortable with.  No geek speak or techno babble, we use plain language to discuss options and offer solutions to our clients.  Our goal is to find a fitting way to fulfill your online advertising needs that will suit your budget and give your business its best possible look, in a style that makes you feel most comfortable.  Contact us today for a free consultation.